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What is the ROI Summit?

The ROI Summit is our signature gathering in Israel that brings together global Jewish leaders with track records of impact to share knowledge, collaborate, be inspired and bolster their toolboxes for change. 

The Summit is more than a conference: it is the gateway to ROI Community. At the conclusion of the Summit, participants become members of the year-round ROI Community network.

The ROI Summit gathers a new generation of ROI Community members, alongside existing ROI members, to connect, equip and motivate them to tackle the most pressing  challenges facing Israel and global Jewish communities.

The next Summit will take place in Israel in 2026.

More information about our recruitment and application processes will be published soon.

About the gathering

The participant-led nature of the Summit models the behavior we hope to see embodied by our members at the gathering and beyond: ROI is a community of reciprocity, and we expect changemakers to be eager to both gain from and actively contribute to their ROI peers. Participants in the Summit have opportunities to be both speakers and spectators, presenters and consultants, knowledge seekers and experts.

Apart from a nominal fee, travel expenses and program costs are covered for participants.

Video file

2022 ROI Summit in 90 seconds.

Applying to the Summit

Application to the ROI Summit is by recommendation only. Five to six months ahead of the gathering, ROIers and network affiliates are offered the opportunity to recommend one outstanding candidate to apply to the Summit and join the year-round network. The ROI Summit application is not available to those without a recommendation.

View our eligibility


Discover ROI Community

About ROI

We strive to build a community that models inclusion, kindness and humility—one that fosters a healthy environment for the genuine and respectful exchange of knowledge, ideas and opinions.

ROI Beyond the Summit

Beyond the Summit

Once accepted to the ROI Summit, ROIers gain access to exclusive resources and opportunities, including programs, events, micro funding and more. In return, we expect our members to be active contributors to our community of reciprocity

Joining ROI Community

Our expectation is that ROIers are eager to be part of a community of reciprocity—one in which members both gain from and actively contribute to the network.

Learn about joining ROI Community