July 17, 2014
ROI Community member Paola Salem, together with Mariano Schlez, Damian Beker and Maximiliano Klein, received a $5,000 #MakeItHappen micro grant to pursue their Jewish Connect at the World Cup project. Jewish Connect engaged hundreds of Jewish sports fans in Jewish programming in Brazil in 2014.
#MakeItHappen asked young Jews from around the world to submit ideas for what they would do to create a meaningful experience in their Jewish communities. With the support of several community partners, more than 150 ideas were selected to receive a $1k or $5k micro grant to help them go from dream to reality!
See below for English.
El Mundial de Fútbol es el evento deportivo más importante a nivel mundial. Fanáticos del deporte..., fanáticos del fútbol quedan atrapados durante un mes a cada uno de los partidos.
Este enorme torneo, pone en competencia a 32 seleccionados que a medida que pasan los días van siendo eliminados.
En este contexto de euforia, fanatismo y amor por el deporte, nosotros encontramos la forma de vivir una experiencia única!
En vez de competir, buscamos COMPARTIR...
En vez de dejar afuera, buscamos constantemente CONECTAR...
En vez de seleccionar solo 32 países buscamos INTEGRAR miembros de la comunidad judía a nivel mundial.
Si, "Judíos conectados en la Copa del Mundo" fue una increíble experiencia que superó ampliamente todas nuestras expectativas y realmente nos sentimos felices por hacer esto posible.
Durante las primeras semanas de este suceso mundial tuvimos la hermosa posibilidad de organizar celebraciones de shabat en diferentes ciudades brasileras, encuentros amistosos de fútbol así como también celebración de Havdalá en la playa de Copacabana donde participaron más de 100 judíos fanáticos del fútbol generando un increíble clima de encuentro y conexión entre judíos de diferentes países.
Recuerdos como la participación de casi 50 judíos de Argentina, Chile, Brasil, Israel, Paraguay, Uruguay y otros paíes jugando al fútbol en Hebraica Porto Alegre y finalizando la noche cenando junto al Rabino de la comunidad...son hermosas imágenes que perdurarán en nuestra mente por muchísimos años.
Y no fue solo el orgullo de organizar las actividades comunidad virtual creada a través del twitter y facebook de "Mundial Judaico" y de los grupos "Judíos Fanáticos del Fútbol" y "Metailim Israelim va Mundial" funcionaron como redes de conexión entre todos los que visitaban Brasil para el mundial, invitando y generando espacios de intercambio entre los mismos viajeros.
Sinceramente...las únicas palabras que nos quedan por decir una y mil veces es: GRACIAS
Gracias a cada uno de los que confiaron y apoyaron esta propuesta. Gracias a cada uno de los viajeros judíos que participaron de las propuestas y nos acompañaron diariamente en las redes sociales. Gracias a cada uno de los periodistas que nos ayudaron con la promoción del proyecto. Gracias a cada uno de los miembros de las comunidades judías Brasileras que nos abrieron las puertas y sus corazones para llevar adelante este apasionante proyecto y un enorme GRACIAS para Fundación Schusterman por elegirnos y darnos la posibilidad de hacer realidad este sueño.
The World Cup is the biggest sporting event worldwide. Sports fans are glued for a month to each of the matches. This huge tournament selects 32 countries that, while the days pass in competition eventually become eliminated.
It's in the context of this euphoria, fanaticism and sports love that we find a way to live a unique experience!
Instead of competing, we seek to SHARE ...
Instead of letting go, we constantly try to CONNECT ...
Instead of selecting only 32 countries we seek to INTEGRATE members of the Jewish community worldwide.
"Jewish Connect at the World Cup," was an amazing experience that far exceeded our expectations and we really feel happy for making this possible.
During the first weeks of this global event we had the opportunity to organize beautiful Shabbat celebrations in different Brazilian cities, friendly football matches and a Havdalah celebration in Copacabana beach, where more than 100 Jewish soccer fans participated and generated a climate of incredible meeting and connection between Jews from different countries.
Memories stemming from the participation of almost 50 Jews from Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Israel, Paraguay, Uruguay and other countries playing football in Hebraica Porto Alegre and ending the night with a nice dinner with the Rabbi of the community are made up of beautiful images that will endure in our minds for many years.
And we feel proud not only for organizing these events but also of the virtual community created through Twitter and Facebook "Mundial Judaico" and groups like "Judíos fanáticos del fútbol" and "Metailim Israelim Vamundial." They all functioned as networks connecting all Jews that visited Brazil for the World Cup, inviting and creating opportunities for exchange between the travelers themselves.
Honestly, the only word we have left to say a thousand times: THANKS.
Thanks to each of those who trusted and supported this project. Thanks to each one of the Jewish travelers who participated in the activities and joined daily in social networks. Thanks to each one of the journalists who helped with promoting the project. Thanks to each one of the members of the Brazilian Jewish communities that opened their doors and their hearts to carry out this exciting project, and a huge THANKS to the Schusterman Foundation for choosing us and giving us the opportunity to make this dream happen!
Learn more about Jewish Connect at the World Cup here!
The Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation is proud to empower emerging leaders to explore their values, identity and new ways to strengthen their communities. We believe that as we work together to repair the world, it is important to share our diverse experiences and perspectives along the way. We encourage the expression of personal thoughts and reflections here on the Schusterman blog. Each post reflects solely the opinion of its author and does not necessarily represent the views of the Foundation, its partner organizations or all program participants.