Our Vision
Jewish communities flourish when they evolve to meet the needs of each generation.
For more than 30 years, we have invested in the Jewish future by supporting joyful, inclusive Jewish communities able to meaningfully engage teens and young adults. Our vision centers on shaping Jewish experiences that are welcoming and accessible, building a connection with Israel, and promoting a culture of service rooted in the Jewish commitment to pursue justice (tzedek), repair the world (tikkun olam), and treat all people with dignity and respect (derekh eretz).
Through these experiences, we see young people discover meaning in Jewish connection and contribute to strengthening the Jewish people and Israel. We see them draw on Jewish values to better the world. We see them assume leadership roles, advancing Jewish communities equipped to engage future generations.
We believe that by meeting the unique needs of today’s generation of young Jews, Jewish communities and values will remain as relevant and impactful as they have for 4,000 years.
Quote from Cindy Greenberg
Our Jewish communities have an imperative to show up boldly and live out our values alongside our neighbors.
President and CEO, Repair the World
The Opportunity
Young Jews must be at the forefront of shaping 21st-century Jewish life.
This generation seeks experiences that reflect the true diversity of our Jewish communities. They seek opportunities to immerse in purposeful gathering and to connect their Jewish values to their commitment to working toward justice and equality. They seek spaces to learn about Israel’s extensive history, modern dynamism and complexities, and role as a spiritual touchstone and powerhouse for culture and innovation.
Together with our partners, we aim to provide a wide range of opportunities for young Jews to build enriching lives and tap into Jewish values as they find ways to serve their communities locally and globally. We also help people connect with Israel and Israelis through firsthand experience and learn about Israel in academic and informal settings.
We know these offerings only thrive so long as we have strong organizations and leaders equipped to make them happen. To maintain a vibrant and sustainable Jewish professional ecosystem, we support a growing pool of diverse talent, invest in capacity-building support and bolster collaborative efforts that strengthen the Jewish communal sector.
Of U.S. Jews participating in communal and civic life credit Jewish values as a motivator for their involvement. (Source)
Of U.S. Jews ages 18 to 29 live in a multiracial household. (Source)
Of U.S. Jews say caring about Israel is an important or essential part of what being Jewish means to them. (Source)
Of Jewish nonprofit employees feel they are making a difference through their work. (Source)
Our Focus Areas
Through three focus areas, we aim to help young Jews engage with Jewish values and experiences, support opportunities to connect with Israel, and shape a thriving sector of Jewish organizations and leaders.

Jewish Life and Values
Engaging young Jews through joyful, meaningful and inclusive Jewish experiences.

Israel Education and Engagement
Helping more people explore and connect to Israel and its complex history, diverse society and rich cultural landscape.

Jewish Leadership
Investing in talented leaders who reflect the diversity of our Jewish communities and support our efforts to strengthen Jewish organizations and the broader Jewish sector.
Our Grantees
We are proud to support a range of organizations and initiatives working to shape a modern Jewish experience that reflects the vibrancy and diversity of our people, fosters strong ties to Israel, and invests in young people as agents of positive change.
View more grantees in our U.S. Jewish Grantmaking portfolio
Engaging Jewish Teens
BBYO is the leading pluralistic Jewish teen movement, providing leadership training, community service, Jewish education, connection to Israel and positive identity-building experiences.

Connecting Jewish Students
With branches at more than 550 colleges and universities, Hillel International helps students foster vibrant Jewish life on campus and host immersive experiences for young Jews around the world.

Inspiring Acts of Service and Learning
Repair the World mobilizes young Jewish adults and their communities to take action to pursue a just world, igniting a lifelong commitment to service.

Standing Up for Israel on College Campuses
Israel on Campus Coalition (ICC) unites organizations that support Israel on campus by coordinating strategies, providing educational resources, sharing research and increasing collaboration.

Expanding Knowledge and Understanding of Israel
Israel Institute works to enhance knowledge about modern Israel by ensuring university students have access to an array of classes about Israel during their time on campus.

Advancing Gender Equity in Jewish Spaces
SRE Network empowers Jewish communities across North America to create and sustain safe, respectful and equitable workplaces and communal spaces.

Reaching Our True Potential: Seven Ideas for Investing in ALL Our Talent
Despite clear evidence that investing in women’s leadership strengthens communities, economies and democracies, women remain underrepresented at decision-making tables. Funders recognize the importance of supporting women to build the future they envision. So why has progress been slow? In this op-ed, Schusterman Co-President Lisa Eisen consults six experts leading grantee organizations in our Jewish Community portfolio. They offer practical insights for how funders can turn their knowledge into action—and how Jewish philanthropy can take the lead.

REALITY and the Schusterman Fellowship
We operated REALITY and the Schusterman Fellowship until June 2024. Over its first 15 years, REALITY brought more than 3,000 leaders on week-long learning journeys to Israel. In its next chapter, REALITY will continue to bring leaders from diverse communities, backgrounds and sectors to Israel as part of our grantee, itrek. While we no longer run the Fellowship, we continue to invest in leadership development in the Jewish sector through our grantmaking.