August 4, 2015
Over the course of 18 months, 24 outstanding Jewish professionals will engage in a customized professional development journey as part of the Schusterman Fellowship. The Fellows come from across the U.S., Europe, Israel and Australia, and they work inside and outside of the Jewish sector. As part of this blog series, we'll be bringing you short interviews with each of the Fellows in which they'll share a bit about themselves and their vision for the future.
Meet Dana Sender-Mulla below!
Dana Sender-Mulla of Kfar Saba, Israel is the Israel Director for JWRP—Jewish Women's Renaissance Project. She received her M.A. in Public and Political Leadership and her B.A. in Liberal Arts from Tel Aviv University, she was a Fellow at the Be'nei Moshe Program (the Shalem Center) and became certified in Jewish Peoplehood teaching for educators at the International School for Jewish Peoplehood Studies.
Before joining JWRP, Dana was the Director of Garin Tzabar International for some years, the Director of the StandWithUs Fellowship and before that as the Youth Leadership Program Director for OneVoice Israel. In 2006, Dana founded an Israeli NGO called Tzemach—a student led, grassroots organization with the goal of deepening Zionist values and awakening social responsibility and solidarity among Israeli university and high school students. Dana is a member of the Global Shapers Community for the World Economic Forum, as well as the ROI Community, and a board member for several Israeli non-profit organizations.
1. What is the greatest piece of leadership advice you have received and do you use it?
"Values are far more important than results." I grew up with this motto, and have always tried to think of the process in which something is accomplished and not just the end goals. I am focused on seeing those who are making the journey with me and following my heart when making decisions. I believe that if you stay true to your values, you’ll always be pleased with the result, even if it wasn't what you set out to achieve.
2. If you could be compensated for your work with something other than money, what would it be?
My answer to that will always be chocolate! I find chocolate always brings happiness, friendship (everyone wants to be around you), opens up the heart and puts sweetness into what we do.
3. How does your Jewish identity affect your leadership?
I find Jewish values are a part of my soul and are what lead me. Growing up in Israel, Judaism was in a sense always a part of my life but has now become a real interest of mine. I have taken on leadership roles in many aspects of my life, and all of them reflect my many passions. In looking at the areas I operate in, I find I always combine my three pillars—Israel, Zionism and Judaism. My Identity is based on these values and is incorporated in all my endeavors.
4. What are you most excited to gain from the Fellowship? What are you most looking forward to learning?
I'm super excited to be part of the Fellowship—meeting new fascinating people (colleagues and mentors) to think with, learn from, connect with and create with. I find working together is what drives us to become better, more courageous in our endeavors, more curious in thought, open to change and able to learn more about ourselves and the world.
The Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation is proud to empower emerging leaders to explore their values, identity and new ways to strengthen their communities. We believe that as we work together to repair the world, it is important to share our diverse experiences and perspectives along the way. We encourage the expression of personal thoughts and reflections here on the Schusterman blog. Each post reflects solely the opinion of its author and does not necessarily represent the views of the Foundation, its partner organizations or all program participants.