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Whether you live for matzah or it's not your cup of Manischewitz ...
Passover is about more than just the food. It is a generational story about justice, freedom and redemption. It teaches us about connecting with our tradition and values, about standing up for the oppressed, about leadership and about journeying to our homeland.
This year, after you finish asking the four questions at your seder table, we invite you to ask a fifth question:
How will you draw on the themes of Passover this year to help create a more just and equitable world?
Use these Haggadot and other resources we curated to inspire discussion at your seder table.
Social Justice:
- Global Justice Haggadah: The story of Passover brings up themes that still resonate today. This Haggadah from AJWS addresses important issues such as the refugee crises and genocide, global hunger, poverty, violence against women and LGBT people and the persecution of minorities.
- #MySederServes: Repair the World is reflecting on what freedom means as a multiethnic, multiracial Jewish community. The #MySederServes campaign is turning Passover stories and conversations into action.
- Refugee Haggadah: Dive deeper into exploration of the global refugee crisis with this resource from HIAS.
- Campus Hunger Project Seder: Help raise awareness about food insecurity on college campuses by including content from Challah for Hunger in your Seder.
- Shared Leadership: Shift the way you view leadership and make it more collaborative with help from the Moving Traditions Passover leadership guide.
- Passover Seder as a Perfect Workshop: Use your Passover Seder as a model for best practices around intentional meeting design with this listicle.
- Holistic Passover Detox: This guide from At The Well encourages you to find what is holding you back from your most expansive self, to share these reflections with others and to commit to a week of living more freely.
- Shemot and Resilience: Read this post from our Leadership Limmud blog series about the leadership evolution of the Passover story's key player, Moses.
Jewish Learning:
- Ma Nishtana Haggadah: Learn about the interconnectedness of GLBTQA and Jewish identities as they relate to Passover in this Haggadah from Keshet.
- Ask Big Questions Passover Guide: Turn inward this Passover with questions like "Are we free?" with this guide from Hillel International.
- Guide to Integrating Passover and Shabbat: The first Seder and Shabbat fall on the same night this year! Check out OneTable's guide, including prayers, recipes and more.
- Next Year in Jerusalem: Passover is a holiday of storytelling. Read some more Seder table stories from iCenter in their story collection.
- #Friendseder: Put a modern twist on your traditional Passover Seder with this guide from The Well.
Create Your Own:
- Create Your Own Haggadah: Feel more like doing your own thing? Mix and match your own Haggadah to your heart's content.
- Six Quirky Traditions to Inspire Your Passover Seder: Spice up your Seder with some interactive, kid friendly traditions.
- Reordered Global Passover Toolkit: Check out JDC Entwine's exploration of Passover through timeless themes of freedom and storytelling.