Remembering Edgar Bronfman

  • Team Schusterman

December 22, 2013

We join with many around the world in celebrating the life and mourning the passing of Edgar Bronfman, Sr., a visionary leader and philanthropist who we were fortunate to consider both a friend and partner.
Edgar was a fierce champion of the Jewish people and causes, and a towering figure who paved the way for those who shared his commitment to fostering a Jewish renaissance. During his lifetime, Edgar advocated for Jewish rights in the former Soviet Union and fought for reparations for Holocaust victims as president of the World Jewish Congress. He supported leadership opportunities for American and Israeli Jewish high school students and young adults, and gave generously to countless other initiatives that showed his commitment to the future of Judaism and Israel.

Edgar believed deeply that the Jewish community must be welcoming of and relevant to all who seek to lead actively Jewish lives. He wrote prolifically about the importance of grounding Jewish activity in learning and values. And he understood the importance and centrality of young adults to ensuring the Jewish future.

Edgar’s commitment to Jewish life drew on personal experience and exploration, and his philanthropic endeavors benefitted greatly from his keen business sense. We enjoyed many opportunities to learn from and partner with Edgar and his professional team at The Samuel Bronfman Foundation.

Edgar's passing is a tremendous loss for the Jewish people, for Israel and for the philanthropic community. And yet, we are fortunate that his legacy and impact will continue to reverberate for generations to come.

May his memory be a blessing and his family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

From Our Chair, Lynn Schusterman:

"Edgar Bronfman was a visionary leader and philanthropist, a titan of Jewish life as well as a dear friend and partner. He led by example as he sought to help build a welcoming, inclusive Jewish community and paved the way for many of us who shared his commitment to the Jewish future. The Jewish people are stronger today because of Edgar's generosity of spirit, wisdom and resources.

His legacy will continue to shape Jewish life and learning for generations to come."

Read more about Edgar Bronfman on The Samuel Bronfman Foundation website:

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