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Our members’ potential to add value to the world increases exponentially when they connect with one another. It’s the first crucial step to Connect-Create-Impact: when we bring our members (with their diverse perspectives, skills, experiences and passions) together, we strengthen their capacity to create positive change where it matters most. 

In this spirit, our Local Meetups Grant aims to empower ROIers in the same hub* to connect face-to-face with one another, create unique relationships and collaborations, and spark meaningful impact in our focus areas.  

*Hub = a city where at least 10 ROI Community members reside

(Going bigger than a Hub? If you’re looking to organize a larger gathering for ROIers in the same region, check out our ROI4ROI Global Grant opportunity here.)


Who is eligible to apply? ROI Community members who:

  • Participated in any ROI Summit (Senior ROIers are eligible for this opportunity)
  • Have completed the most recent ROI Member Survey

What are we looking for?

  • Local ROI Organizers: The gathering must be led by at least one ROI Community member who physically resides in the city where the gathering takes place (though organizers from other cities can certainly join them!). 
  • Hub Status: At least 10 ROIers reside in the event city.
  • Broad Reach: Each gathering must target a minimum of 10 ROI members. Priority will be given to gatherings in hubs where a relatively large number of Community members can attend (i.e., a large number of ROIers live in or can travel to the city easily).
  • Local Sync: We encourage applicants to coordinate their proposals with other ROIers from their cities to increase Community cooperation and avoid accidental duplication.
  • Meaningful, Relevant Content: Each meetup must include the following two elements: 
    • Networking: Participants have opportunities to mingle and converse.
    • Content: Organizers plan significant content that offers value to the participants. Content must focus on professional development and/or one of ROI's impact areas.

Some fine print:

  • Spouses/family members can attend meetups, as long as the event was proposed as a “family meetup” in the application (and the ROI team approved it as such).
  • Senior ROIers are welcome to apply to lead gatherings and/or attend as participants.

More About the Grant:

As with all ROI funding opportunities, event selection and budget approval will be done at the sole discretion of the ROI team.

  • Grant Amount: Organizers can request up to a maximum of $5,000 per meetup, and no more than $70 per person.  
  • ROI's Funding Can Cover: Venue, food and refreshments, speakers/content and program materials.

A note on event registration:
Event registration will be managed exclusively by the event organizers (not by ROI HQ). In their final reports submitted to ROI, organizers will be required to list the names of Community members who attended their meetups.


Here's how to apply: 

  • Applications will be open all year long. Make sure to apply at least 4 weeks before the proposed start date of the meetup to let ROIers the opportunity to plan ahead and join the event.
  • Complete the (optional) Interim Report Form 15 business days or more before your event date if you would like to request partial upfront payment for your expenses.
  • If the event has fewer participants than expected, the organizers must inform the ROI team as soon as possible. This may affect the amount of support granted.
  • Submit your Final Report, including a participant list and receipts/proof of payment, within 30 days of your event's conclusion.
  • Receive the remainder of your grant as reimbursement after your report is approved. 
  • Payment will be made via PayPal.